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On Friday’s assembly we celebrated the European Day of Languages (26th September) which has the aim of encouraging language learning across Europe and as well as promoting pride in your own language and culture. Each class learned a song in a different language and sang it to the rest of the school. It was lovely to see the effort the children put into learning a song in a new language and the whole school was impressed by each class’s performance.

Year 5 started off by singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in Greek (they have the lucky advantage of having a bilingual English/Greek teacher!) and then Nursery and Reception bravely sang their new song about colours in English. Year 4 sang a children’s song in Portuguese about throwing a stick at a cat (not to be encouraged!) and Year 7 sang a beautiful song in Mayan. Year 1 sang an African call and response song with actions and Year 3 finished off the assembly by doing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Swedish, lead by Linus.

It was great to start the day off with singing and to see the enthusiasm the children had for embracing yet another language. Well done everyone!

European Day of Languages