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This week Year 3 led the Assembly with their representation of the Gunpowder Plot, which is the motive for celebrations held every year in England on the 5th November, also known as Bonfire Night. In Great Britain, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating Guy Fawkes’ actions on 5th November 1605. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London. He disagreed with the then king of England, King James I and plotted with a group of men to fill a cellar under the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder to blow it up. This was later to become known as the Gunpowder Plot. The plan was foiled and Guy Fawkes was captured and sent to the Tower of London. He was later executed. Year 3 acted out different scenes and showed us all the new concepts and vocabulary they had learned around this theme.

Stars of the Week went to: Pep Martínez, Daniel Pascual, Pol Guirro, Diego Royo, Iratxe López and Savina Clop. Well done, Stars!

We sang Happy Birthday to Andrea (Year 5/6 teacher), Emma Flores and Martina Amatller.

Anna Font explained the importance of not stepping on the new bean plants, which some classes have just planted. Older children agreed to help younger students to remember where these are planted.

 Bonfire Night Bonfire vocabularyGownpowder vocabulary