Today is ‘Elmer’ Day in Nursery and Reception and so all our Early Years students have come to school in the brightest colours they can find! At Assembly, they shared with us their special version of Elmer. We congratulate them on their wonderful presentation and super English! Well done Nursery and Reception!
Cristina Puigdollers and Anna Font told us all about the famous Catalan poet Miquel Martí i Pol, who came from Roda de Ter, near Vic, the same village as Cristina. They shared with us some of his poems and explained why he is one of the most famous Catalan poets last century. Miquel Martí i Pol died 10 years ago this week.
Anna spoke to the whole Assembly about our school recycling initiative. We discussed ‘separating’ our rubbish into categories and which items need to go in the green, yellow and blue bins. We talked about the word ‘organic’ and what it means, and gave Anna many examples. Once a week, starting with Year 5/6, we will take the school rubbish to the coloured bins in the Plaça del Silenci. All classes will have a turn. We are learning by doing!
English Speaker of the Week in Year 4 is Júlia Garcia Codony, in Year 3 Martí Castellarnau, in Year 1/2 Sofia Mateo, in Year 5/6: Aina Roman, and in Nursery and Reception the English Speaker of the Week is Annet Amatller. Well done to all our English Speakers!
Stars of the Week were: Àlex Davidson (Year 2), Jana Boix (Year 5), Daniela Maymó (Year 4), Manu Roncero (Year 1), Ció Corominas (Year 3) and Teo Martínez (Reception).
Rebecca and Ció celebrated their birthdays this week. Happy Birthday to them both!