+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

Last Friday at ISCAT we enjoyed our first annual Day of Play as part of our Cardboard Challenge. Every child in the school was invited to play a selection of the cardboard arcade-style games that were created by our children. It was an incredible celebration of imagination and creativity!

The Cardboard Challenge was inspired by the story of Caine, a young boy in East LA who created his own cardboard arcade using recycled objects when he found himself with no money, friends or games… but a lot of cardboard and a lot of imagination!

His amazing story was made into a short film (you can see it here: https://goo.gl/y2wBka which inspired countless children and communities across the word to make their own cool cardboard creations!

In this way, through our own Cardboard Challenge, ISCAT forms part of a global community that believes in putting down our PlayStations and iPads and putting innovation, imagination, creativity and fun at the heart of learning. We are very proud of this, and we are very proud of the games our students have made – from Nursery to Year 9, the standard was exceptional and demonstrates what a talented group of children we have at ISCAT.

We can’t wait for next year’s Cardboard Challenge!

Photos are available on our intranet. Don’t forget to check them out! (https://www.iscat.es/privatearea/).

Cardboard Challenge ISCAT