Key Stage 1:
Today’s assembly was on the “World’s Largest Lesson”. An introduction to the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The UN encourages young people all over the world to get involved and to spread the word about these 17 goals, which they hope to achieve by 2030.
During assembly, children were encouraged to think about the biggest problems currently facing our planet and how we can help to make sure that everyone has equal access their rights. They discussed images and watched a video featuring Malala Yousafai (a Pakistani activist for female education). Children also commented that we can all help, even if seems like a small action, because when we all work together we can achieve anything. Their ideas included: recycling, saving water and electricity, volunteering and charity work and finding out more information about the goals!
By Jasmine Y1
Key Stage 2:
Today during our KS2 assembly the children were introduced to the ‘World’s largest lesson.’ It was explained to everyone how there are 17 goals to achieve 3 very important things, the children really impressed us with their knowledge of this. We had some great discussions that included the importance of everyone around the world joining in and trying to make a difference as well as developing our understanding of why these goals are in place. We then watched a short video that explained poverty, inequality and climate change in more detail. The assembly ended with the children sharing their ideas of how they could help and be part of the World’s largest lesson.
By Hannah Y6