Science Week is run by The British Science Association to celebrate science, technology, engineering and maths. At ISCAT we held Science Day on February 7th 2019. Being a Rights Respecting School, we linked Science day to UNICEF’s Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 13 which states that ‘You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people’. On this day, every class carried out some type of Science investigation. The theme this year was ‘journeys’. As each class took a different route into investigating journeys, all sessions were based on using scientific enquiry skills. It is important that children are able to use and apply skills such as, planning an investigation, making predictions and evaluating their findings. Science day was a great way for children to use these skills and explore Science independently. From Primary up to Secondary the children used many resources to plan and investigate journeys ranging from the journey of waste in the ocean, to the journey of different materials flying through the air.

Science week
In Primary we investigated:
Nursery and Reception children had fun racing cars down slippery slopes. We explored the textures of different liquids such as washing up liquid, oil, shaving foam, using words such as slippery, sticky, slimy. It was then time to test which liquid the cars would travel fastest on and which liquids would slow them down.
Year 1 explored making tunnels with natural materials. We observed how changing the state of materials, for example, making sand wet made building easier. We used sand, water, sticks of different sizes, and tools to make our structures. We learned a lot about trial and error, looking at what went well and what didn’t.
Year 2 made paper aeroplanes, paper helicopters and gliders. We timed how long it takes them to fall to the ground. We discovered that they fall to the ground much more slowly than a scrunched up piece of paper because of the forces generated by air pressing on and moving over the surface of the paper (air resistance).
Year 3 looked at how static electricity is caused by friction. We rubbed a balloon against different materials and then watched how we could lift objects without touching them. The electrons from materials rub onto the balloon and cause a force that can move other objects.
Year 4 looked at how to identify polluted water. We started by discussing the differences in the quality of two water samples, clear water and the other mixed with baking powder. We then added drops of red grape juice to each container. The results really surprised us, as the mixed water turned black. We then looked at how polluted water can be tested and pollutants identified through similar experiments by water authorities.
Year 5 researched the amount of plastic that is currently floating around in our oceans. We were amazed to discover just how much damage this is doing to marine life in addition to humans. We discovered that plastic is ending up in the food chain as it breaks down into small particles called micro-fibers. We learned about ‘microfibres’ and the way in which these are polluting our rivers and oceans through our washing machines. Our investigation was to test the prediction that micro-fibers of plastic get into the water when synthetic clothes are washed. We used filter paper, a funnel, magnifying glasses, and fleece material to test the prediction. We found small traces of micro-fibers in the filter paper when we washed the material.
Year 6 made invisible ink. We mixed lemon juice with drops of water and dipped a cotton bud into the mixture. We then wrote a secret message on a white piece of paper and waited for the liquid to dry. Using the heat from a torch, the mixture turned brown and we could faintly read the secret messages.

Science week

Science week

Science week