+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
On Friday, the children had an assembly all about this year ́s Unicef Winter Appeal. The children learned all about the work Unicef does every winter to help children be safe, healthy and warm. They learned about the freezing weather and how it has been sweeping the Middle East and North Africa, again this winter. Furthermore, how temperatures drop to zero and below in several areas. We discussed how many children in the region get sick, stop going to school and are at risk of dying.

With the money raised from the appeal, the children learned how Unicef plans to help the children in these areas. Unicef plans to reach over a million children and families with thermal blankets and winter clothing kits containing hats, gloves, scarves, shoes and socks. They will also heat classrooms, play spaces, and continue to provide life-saving food, clean water and medicine to protect the most vulnerable children.

Once again, thank you to all the families for your continued support and generosity.