Today we welcomed back our staff and students to the new year at ISCAT with a special Secondary assembly. This not only marks the new year 2020, but also to herald in the new decade. It’s never too early to set goals and our students were encouraged to reflect on where they might be in ten years time, and to realise that the small steps we can take now to achieve our goals can make a big difference later on.
Noreen welcomed everyone and especially our new students, asking for a big ISCAT welcome for all newcomers, remembering to use English as our common language of interchange to ensure everyone can feel included.
Geraldine, Head of Secondary, gave sound advice regarding studying and homework this term, explaining that this can be the most important term in terms of settling down and getting serious work done. Focusing on our ambitions and setting study targets can be a positive way to dispel the post-holiday winter blues.
Geraldine also talked about habits for healthy living – getting enough sleep (should be 8 hours each night) drinking enough water (all are encouraged to bring their eco-friendly refillable water bottles to school and thus reduce our use of plastics) and finally, eat healthy well-balanced meals – with plenty of fruit and vegetables included.
Teresa (Science teacher) rounded off our Assembly by sharing her many super initiatives to become an eco-friendly school, and our individual responsibility to recycle where we can. Teresa will head up a recycling club, where students can take the lead and ensure that refuse around the school goes to the right place. Talking about the devastating bush fires in Australia, Teresa appealed to all our animal lovers by proposing a KNITTING club, where students first of all learn to knit – and secondly knit protective mittens for koalas and other marsupials affected by the fires.
Finally, all students were reminded that for any concerns or difficulties regarding their studies, homework or general wellbeing, our ISCAT staff are always on hand to help them through.
Here’s to a great term and a great 2020!