On Friday an informative session regarding procedures for the upcoming GCSE and A Level examinations took place in the school gym for parents and students. While of particular interest for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13, the meeting was also attended by parents of students as young as Year 8, to learn about the value and distinctive features of these examinations and how best to prepare our students for maximum success. A detailed powerpoint and handout prepared by our exams officer Katherine Mayne was presented by Geraldine Bhoyroo Head of Secondary and ISCAT director Noreen Loughman highlighting key dates, the regulations as established by our exam boards AQA and EdExcel, procedures for requesting re-marks, special concessions, or resits. Sara Fernandez explained the protocol for local students to have their GCSEs and A Levels recognised and convalidated by the local authority (Generalitat).
ISCAT will formally register our students for the exams on Friday 24th January and all the exam entry forms must be returned to the school office, signed by parents, on or before that date.