+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

This year, ISCAT celebrates Carnival from Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February since Carnival falls in the half-term week. The King of the Carnival arrived at school on Monday 24th February and kicked off the celebrations with his traditional speech, explaining the rules and expectations for the week to come.

School Rules for Carnival Week:

  • Tuesday 25th February: Come to school with funny and colourful socks!
  • Wednesday 26th February: It’s Pyjama Day!  Wear yours to school!
  • Thursday 27th February: Give your head a make-over! Come wearing an unusual hairstyle or a fancy hat!
  • Friday 28th February: Time to dress up! At 14.00 the Carnival Costume Parade will be held and the ISCAT Jury will award prizes.
On Friday all parents and family members can enjoy the Carnival festival at school.
Following as last year the whole school will wear Fancy Dress around the same theme: ART PIECES FROM FAMOUS ARTISTS. However, each class will choose a different artist.
One more year our theme is related to the Design and Technology week.  At school, the students are working on their own costumes using recycled materials which each class tutor could ask to bring.
  • Nursery and Reception: JACKSON POLLOCK
  • Year 1 and Year 2: GAUDÍ
  • Year 4: VAN GOGH
  • Year 5: ANDY WARHOL

The Carnival King is here! Now it’s our turn to follow his rules… Let the fun begin!