+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

🤩You either love it or you hate it, right?

Wrong… step by step, at ISCAT we are changing this.

Did you know that most people develop a fear of Maths based on having a challenging experience in one aspect of Numeracy during their childhood?

🧐Ever heard these statements or something similar?

¨I’m terrible at Maths¨
¨I can’t do Maths¨
¨He/She is really good at Maths¨

Numeracy encompasses many areas of learning; Shape, Fractions, Mental Maths, Algebra, Place Value, Measure etc…

We see so many students entering our school with preconceived notions of how ´good´ or ´bad´ they are at Numeracy because their previous experiences have often been unfair and had a lasting, negative effect on their self-esteem surrounding this subject.

🙂How are we tackling this problem at ISCAT?

– Recognition given to the strengths in any area of Numeracy
– Learning at the pace for the child
– Celebrating success and the learning process (including failure)
– Making it real and varied