+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
Class of 2025 seminar

Class of 2025 seminar

We continue on our journey of making rights for all children everywhere visible. After watching the “Mediterráneo”, Secondary students participated in a seminar which introduced young adults who have lived as refugees and continued their schooling. They...


In assembly, children learned about what is meant by Fairtrade and why we should try to buy Fairtrade products. Children learned that Fairtrade involves workers receiving better prices for the goods they grow as well as having a better standard of living. Since its...
UNICEF’s Day for Change

UNICEF’s Day for Change

UNICEF’s Day for Change officially came to ISCAT on Friday!  The day began with the children sharing their ‘School in a box’ with each other. They spent time teaching their lessons with pride and togetherness. They also enjoyed taking on...
UNICEF´s Day for Change

UNICEF´s Day for Change

On May 13th, our school will be supporting UNICEF´s Day for Change and we very much hope that you will join us in supporting this worthwhile, fun and educational event. It is a great opportunity for our pupils to learn about and raise money for children...
Carnaval 2016

Carnaval 2016

Aquesta tarda ha arribat a l’escola el Rei Carnestoltes! Hem escoltat el seu pegó on ens ha indicat les seves normes per la setmana que ve. Aquí us les recordem: Dilluns: Porteu una corbata o un corbatí. Dimarts: Porteu una sabata de cada. Dimecres: Vine amb...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! First day back at school after the Christmas break. We hope everyone had a restful and joyful holiday!