by Iscat | 18 Apr, 2015 | 2013-2014, 2014-2015
We are happy to welcome Liina and Meri – two students from the University of Oulu in Finland- who will be doing their placement at ISCAT over the next eight weeks. They will be working alongside teachers and children in classes across the Primary and we know...
by Iscat | 16 Jun, 2014 | 2013-2014
Thursday 12th June saw the culmination of many months of hard work and dedication on the part of staff and students when ISCAT went on stage at the Patronat Theatre, la Garriga, with its own production of the popular musical Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins is known...
by Iscat | 16 May, 2014 | 2013-2014
Andrea and Nick lead today’s assembly about our special Maths and Science Day yesterday. They let us pick some of the key vocabulary from yesterday and we shared with the assembly what we had learned during our activities. Ask any of us about diameters, the...
by Iscat | 15 May, 2014 | 2013-2014
Today the children had a wonderful day exploring the world of Maths and Science through fun activities! We were lucky enough to have fantastic weather meaning classes worked in the patios in a carousel set-up. Years 1 to 7 took part in 5 different activities: Building...
by Iscat | 29 Apr, 2014 | 2013-2014
Dia: Dissabte 3 de maig. Horari: Matí i tarda. Lloc: Club Esportiu del Vallès (l’Ametlla del Vallès). Categories: Femení, masculí i mixte. Mínim 3 partits per persona amb una duració mínima de 45 minuts cada un. Al matí...
by Iscat | 25 Apr, 2014 | 2013-2014
Aquesta setmana ha sigut un pèl més curta de l’habitual, ja que el dilluns va ser dia festiu, però ben intensa! Hem celebrat la setmana de la literatura, tot coincidint amb la diada de Sant Jordi. El dimarts al matí vam fer una assemblea extraordinària, ja que al pati...