by Iscat | 25 Apr, 2014 | 2013-2014
We were all very excited for our assembly today to discover the winners of our Catalan Story Writing competition. And just to make it more special we had the assembly by the Sant Jordi fountain and next to the rose bush. Here are our winners for both categories,...
by Iscat | 11 Apr, 2014 | 2013-2014
At ISCAT we once again kicked off our Spring Break with Sports Day, with all students, big and small, competing in their colour teams in a range of fun and challenging activities, watched by proud parents! The Early Years and Key Stage 1 event was held from 9:00...
by Iscat | 4 Apr, 2014 | 2013-2014
Sessions informatives de la nostra escola d’estiu 2014: dimecres 30 d’abril a les 15h i dimecres 7 de maig a les 18h. Parlarem sobre la proposta pedagògica, la programació de les activitats, l’equip docent, etc. Us hi esperem!!!
by Iscat | 27 Mar, 2014 | 2013-2014
As Nursery and Reception have been studying Bears over the past few weeks, we were all very keen to see some real life bears. We were told at Molló park there were several brow bears we could go to see. Molló park is not a zoo, it is a natural park in the Pyrenees....
by Iscat | 21 Mar, 2014 | 2013-2014
This week’s assembly was dedicated to our International Day, which we celebrate to mark the UN Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Year 4 opened the assembly by singing an African song in round, and it sounded excellent. Each class in turn...
by Iscat | 18 Mar, 2014 | 2013-2014
L’ISCAT ofereix aquest estiu una oportunitat única per al mes de juliol: una oferta d’activitats de lleure basades en programa educatiu de les Forest Schools, adreçades a nens i nenes de 3 a 12 anys. Els alumnes realitzaran activitats especialitzades, íntegrament...