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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

As we walked into assembly today, we found Year 5/6 at the front of the hall dressed in Greek costumes. They went on to explain different aspects of their topic on Ancient Greece: theatre, democracy, wars, philosophers and gods! Thank you very much for such an...

Nursery & Reception Assembly

We started off today’s assembly by finding out all about the exciting plans for our “colonias”, because this year we are going somewhere new, and Secondary are even going to another country! After that we had a fantastic assembly from Nursery and Reception....
Carnestoltes a l’escola

Carnestoltes a l’escola

El darrer dimecres dia vint-i-sis de febrer va arribar al pati de la nostra escola el Rei Carnestoltes i ens va llegir el pregó i  a continuació ens va explicar les consignes que els alumnes havien de complir durant els següents dies de carnaval: dijous dur un...
Teddy Bear’s Picnic & Cinderella

Teddy Bear’s Picnic & Cinderella

This week in assembly, Year 1 and 2 delighted us with their storytelling. They retold the story of Cinderella with lots of rhythm and expressions. It was incredible that they learned all of that off by heart! After that they taught us some actions so we could do...
Peace Assembly

Peace Assembly

Today we celebrated our special Peace Assembly where every class brought something to share. Year 1 and 2 showed some decorations they had made ‘ Peace Doves’ Marina, Nelisha and Jaume read the poems they had written on the back of their doves. Beautiful...
Today’s Assembly

Today’s Assembly

At Assembly this morning Nursery and Reception took the stage and delighted us all with their presentation of their excursion to the Miró Foundation yesterday. They showed us their own Miró-like paintings which they had done. They explained that their paintings has...