by Iscat | 20 Jan, 2014 | 2013-2014
Our new School Choir will begin on Tuesday with ISCAT Music Teacher Fiona McCarthy. The choir is optional and is open to all Primary and Year 7 students. Rehearsals will be held every Tuesday at lunchtime in the library. Fiona will be teaching popular choir pieces,...
by Iscat | 20 Dec, 2013 | 2013-2014
Our Winter Wonderland extravaganza on the 19th December delighted old and young alike. With Emma and Andrea’s excellent choreography and drama skills, each class represented winter around the world through music and dance in a seamless performance worthy...
by Iscat | 20 Dec, 2013 | 2013-2014
Today at Assembly we celebrated the Catalan tradition of ‘caga tió’. Over the past weeks we have been feeding our ‘tió’ lots of tasty bits to help him grow nice and plump to give us the BEST Christmas gifts, and we were not disappointed! Class...
by Iscat | 29 Nov, 2013 | 2013-2014
Avui a l’escola hem tingut una bona sorpresa! Mentre la Cristina ens explicava el conte de “La soca de Nadal”, un missatger ha arribat a l’escola i ens ha deixat un paquet. Hi hem trobat una nota que posava: “Per als nens i les nenes de l’ISCAT” Era ben gros i pesava...
by Iscat | 25 Nov, 2013 | 2013-2014
Algunos de los alumnos de Year 4, acompañados por su tutora Helen Smart, fueron de visita al Museo Egipcio de Barcelona el pasado sábado 23 de noviembre para ver la exposición temporal Tutankhamón: Historia de un descubrimiento. Esta exposición rinde homenaje a la...
by Iscat | 22 Nov, 2013 | 2013-2014
Year 4 lead this Friday’s assembly by telling us about all the things they had learned about during their Ancient Egypt project. They all came dressed up in Egyptian costumes; there were pharaohs, cats, archaeologists (Howard Carter) and Cleopatra’s! We all found...