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Gunpowder plot & others

Gunpowder plot & others

This week Year 3 led the Assembly with their representation of the Gunpowder Plot, which is the motive for celebrations held every year in England on the 5th November, also known as Bonfire Night. In Great Britain, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of...
Friday’s Assembly

Friday’s Assembly

In assembly the children from Years 1-5/6 explained their excursions to the rest of the school. Year 1/2 started off with their visits to Can Raurell, and all the animals they encountered, as well as a cart ride. Year 3 also told us about the ostriches and hedgehogs,...
Discovering the World of Archaeology

Discovering the World of Archaeology

On Monday Year 4 discovered the world of archaeology! They excavated an ancient Egyptian tomb, using methods that Egyptologists use and discovered a skeleton as well as the pots and weapons buried with it. After that they unblocked another tomb, painted with images of...
Excursió a l’Aquarium de Barcelona (Year 5&6)

Excursió a l’Aquarium de Barcelona (Year 5&6)

El passat dilluns vam anar d’excursió a l’Aquarium de Barcelona per estudiar amb detall el comportament dels peixos: com es reprodueixen, què mengen, quins mètodes de defensa utilitzen… El taller que vam fer es deia Sobreviure! El joc del...
Visit to Can Raurell

Visit to Can Raurell

Year 1&2 and Year 3 had a fantastic time exploring, learning about, feeding and even stroking different animals. They went on a trip into the forest on a horse and cart, which they thought was amazing! We fed parrots, stroked hedgehogs and learnt about many...