by Iscat | 27 Sep, 2013 | 2013-2014
On Friday’s assembly we celebrated the European Day of Languages (26th September) which has the aim of encouraging language learning across Europe and as well as promoting pride in your own language and culture. Each class learned a song in a different language...
by Iscat | 20 Sep, 2013 | 2013-2014
In today’s assembly we learned about a document that describes the rights and responsibilities for children all over the world. We understand that we have a right to be looked after and protected and that we should also make sure that other children are looked...
by Iscat | 15 Sep, 2013 | 2013-2014
In Assembly this week we celebrated a special birthday – that of famous British author Roald Dahl. Children were able to name many of his books: The Enormous Crocodile, Matilde, George’s Marvellous Medicine, The Twits, Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the...
by Iscat | 6 Sep, 2013 | 2013-2014
At today’s Assembly, the first of this school year, we welcomed all the new faces to ISCAT, big and small! New children were introduced by class partners and new teachers, by their respective classes. We talked about helping those who are new to our...