+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

‘My Place’ project

For your information, you can find on the intranet some pictures of the winners of the secondary ‘My Place’ project competition receiving their certificates. All winners were awarded for extremely hard work and excellent achievement over the summer...
‘Nature Patio’ Project

‘Nature Patio’ Project

Some of our KS2 children are currently involved in a ´Nature Patio´ project, using recycled materials and to create a nature focused area in the patio. The children have created designs which they will spray paint onto old tyres and will eventually be...
Inside Out – Emotional Education Programme

Inside Out – Emotional Education Programme

Last Friday 25th September all students visited the cinema in la Garriga to see the film ‘Inside Out’. This film highlights the role of our emotions in our lives, including the negative emotions – those that we often try to repress, such as anger or...
Meet and Greet Breakfast

Meet and Greet Breakfast

ISCAT Parent Volunteers are glad to invite you to our first Meet and Greet event. Come and help us in welcoming the new parents during this social event. Looking forward to seeing you!
Welcome back!!!

Welcome back!!!

We welcome everyone – old and new – to the new school year and are delighted to share and inaugurate with you our new Xavier Calls building, which will house all our secondary classes from now on. ISCAT ancillary staff have worked tirelessly over the...