by Iscat | 15 May, 2016 | 2011-2012, 2015-2016
UNICEF’s Day for Change officially came to ISCAT on Friday! The day began with the children sharing their ‘School in a box’ with each other. They spent time teaching their lessons with pride and togetherness. They also enjoyed taking on...
by Iscat | 2 May, 2016 | 2015-2016
Thursday May 12th sees another milestone in ISCAT’s growth and development, when several of our Secondary students will sit their first Cambridge exams at our school, which is becoming an official Cambridge examinations centre. We wish all our students the best...
by Iscat | 2 May, 2016 | 2015-2016, UNICEF
On Friday May 13th, as part of our Rights Respecting Schools journey, ISCAT students will be joining schools in the UK in organising their Day for Change. This UNICEF initiative intends to make students aware of the capacity of each and...
by Iscat | 29 Apr, 2016 | 2015-2016
En la passada festa de Sant Jordi es van recollir un total de 304.1€ entre la venda de roses i la parada de llibres de segona mà. Aquests diners han estat invertits en l’activitat del conta-contes a la que van assistir els alumnes de Nursery fins a Year 3 i,...
by Iscat | 29 Apr, 2016 | 2015-2016
We are once again delighted to welcome another student from the University of Oulu in Finland. Iida-Maria will be doing her placement at ISCAT over the next six weeks, working alongside teachers and children in Year 2. We know that you will...
by Iscat | 25 Apr, 2016 | 2015-2016
Aquest any, el darrer divendres 22 d’abril vam celebrar la Diada de Sant Jordi a l’escola, ja que el dia 23 queia en dissabte. A primera hora del matí, els alumnes de Primària van gaudir d’uns tallers de confecció de roses organitzats pels alumnes de Secundària. Va...