by Iscat | 15 Mar, 2016 | 2015-2016
Year 4 had a fantastic trip to the Olympic Stadium last week. We started by doing an interactive tour of the Olympic Museum, where the children had a booklet of questions to discover the answers to by exploring the museum. These were related to both the...
by Iscat | 14 Mar, 2016 | 2015-2016
El pasado viernes 11 de marzo los alumnos de Year 3 presentaron a sus compañeros y compañeras las fiestas de las Fallas de Valencia. Nos hablaron sobre su origen y sobre cómo se celebran actualmente. Tenemos la suerte de tener a una compañera que ha...
by Iscat | 11 Mar, 2016 | 2015-2016
Year 6 have been lucky enough to enjoy two fantastic trips in recent weeks, both giving us a very special and hands-on chance to learn about our local history. The first was a guided tour of the Air Raid Shelter of La Garriga Station, carved out of the rock in...
by Iscat | 4 Mar, 2016 | 2015-2016
In honour of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare´s death, the ISCAT Primary Summer Show this year will be Romeo and Juliet! In assembly today, Asier, Daniela, Laia and Irene told us about William Shakespeare and gave the primary students a quiz at the end to...
by Iscat | 8 Feb, 2016 | 2015-2016
Un any més, després de l’èxit del curs anterior, organitzem unes noves jornades de portes obertes adreçades a aquelles famílies de fora de l’escola (i també a les famílies de l’ISCAT) que estiguin interessades en saber més sobre el nostre...
by Iscat | 8 Feb, 2016 | 2015-2016
Great news! Unicef have officially acknowledged receipt of our donation and have sent us a ´thank you´ letter and our first ever Unicef certificate. Thank you all once again for your amazing support and generosity during this...