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Carnaval 2016

Carnaval 2016

Aquesta tarda ha arribat a l’escola el Rei Carnestoltes! Hem escoltat el seu pegó on ens ha indicat les seves normes per la setmana que ve. Aquí us les recordem: Dilluns: Porteu una corbata o un corbatí. Dimarts: Porteu una sabata de cada. Dimecres: Vine amb...
Año Cervantes

Año Cervantes

El 1 de enero del 2016 comenzó el año Cervantes, dedicado, en el cuarto centenario de su muerte, al más célebre escritor en lengua española de todos los tiempos. Por este motivo, nuestros alumnos y alumnas de Year 6 han querido rendirle homenaje y han...
Pen Pals Year 6

Pen Pals Year 6

We have been incredibly excited this week to read cards from our new pen pals! They are children from Tollgate Primary School in London. We met them and we shared them with the class. It was a pleasure to discover them. On Thursday morning we wrote them with the best...
World Religions Day

World Religions Day

As part of our Religious Education programme, this term we have been focusing on Special Places. In order to mark World Religions Day in our assembly this week, each class produced a video explaining a special place for followers of different faiths. Year 1 told...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! First day back at school after the Christmas break. We hope everyone had a restful and joyful holiday!