by Iscat | 22 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Contents de saber que l’ISCAT ha repartit un petit premi en el sorteig de la loteria de Nadal!!! Moltes gràcies a tots els que heu col·laborat comprant els nostres dècims i heu confiat en el número escollit per les mares voluntàries!!! Us desitgem, a tots plegats, que...
by Iscat | 21 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Last week the Year 4s took part in a sponsored silence. They have been learning about Nepal this term and wanted to do something to raise money for the Nepal Earthquake Fund. In the earthquake, 8000 schools were destroyed and many children lost their homes....
by Iscat | 18 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Congratulations to all Secondary students on their outstanding performance of the musical ‘Oliver Twist’ yesterday. Our thanks go to the parent volunteers who designed and produced the stunning costumes, the ISCAT Primary choir, who made a guest appearance...
by Iscat | 18 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Today, Year 1 lead the Primary assembly. They started off by performing a dance they had been working on as part of their Toys and Games topic. After that, they shared a traditional Nativity play with us all, and they did so well to remember all of their lines. They...
by Iscat | 11 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Thank you all for your incredible generosity and support for today’s fundraiser. The atmosphere was electric all day! We truly believe the children have taken their first steps in becoming active global citizens! The final amount has exceeded all our...
by Iscat | 11 Dec, 2015 | 2015-2016
Un any més el Tió ha arribat a la nostra escola i ho ha fet d’una forma força curiosa. Els més petits de l’escola, els de Nursery i Reception, havien de sortir a fora al pati a fer una activitat que la Petra i la Lindsey els havien...