+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

Cardboard Challenge

Last Friday at ISCAT we enjoyed our first annual Day of Play as part of our Cardboard Challenge. Every child in the school was invited to play a selection of the cardboard arcade-style games that were created by our children. It was an incredible celebration of...

La Castanyada a l’ISCAT

Un any més, hem celebrat la tradicional festa de la Castanyada a l’escola amb diverses activitats. En primer lloc, els més petits van fer dimecres un taller de panellets seguint una recepta alternativa (sense fruits secs!) perquè tothom...

Pirate Party

Yesterday Year 1 celebrated the end of their Pirates and the Caribbean topic with a tropical-flavoured Pirate Party! The children had made shark cakes and lime juice, as well as fruit pirate ships to share with their parents. They stared the party by singing the...

2015 IPC Athletics World Championships

On the 28th of September and the 5th of October, the students of ISCAT had the privilege of having a special guest in the assembly. Martin Parejo, a Paralympic blind athlete came to speak about his life, his projects and how he has overcome every single obstacle he...
Kensuke’s Kingdom

Kensuke’s Kingdom

On Wednesday 14th October, we (Year 6) went on a trip to Sitges to experience life as castaways on a desert island – just like Michael, the main character in a book we have been reading. It’s called Kensuke’s Kingdom and is amazing! The author...

Rights Respecting Schools initiative

On Friday 9th October, Nikesh Pandya gave a presentation on the new Rights Respecting Schools initiative. He introduced how it worked and how it could positively change not only the lives of the children at ISCAT, but also children from around the world. This...