+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
UNICEF Day for Change 2017

UNICEF Day for Change 2017

We would like to thank the entire ISCAT community for their participation and generosity during our Day for Change 2017 fundraiser. We feel it’s the day that best encapsulates our vision, community and work ethic. All the children played a key role by collecting...
Nous llibres per a la biblioteca

Nous llibres per a la biblioteca

Els nous llibres, comprats amb els diners recaptats per Sant Jordi de la parada de llibres de segona mà i el taller de pintar cares, han arribat a l’escola. En total, hem pogut comprar 13 contes/llibres per a la biblioteca amb els 167€ recaptats. Volem agrair...
Summer Show 2017

Summer Show 2017

Another year, another fantastic show! Well done to our Early Years and Primary children for entertaining us with their modern version of Annie! It was a team effort from the costumes team to all the ISCAT staff involved. Once again Andrea worked tirelessly...
Corpus 2017: All things African

Corpus 2017: All things African

Ready for Corpus! Algunes de les alumnes de Year 7 (sisè de Primària) ens van ajudar la setmana passada a preparar l’exposició de les catifes que prepararan les escoles de la Garriga el pròxim diumenge. Enguany la nostra catifa estarà vinculada amb...
3D pen printing master class

3D pen printing master class

Last week, Year 10 took part in a 3D pen printing master class lead by Maria,  a professional in the field, whose daughter, Anna, attends Year 2 at ISCAT. The students learnt how to use the pens and were given stencils to work from to learn how the plastic...
Day for Change 2017

Day for Change 2017

Thank you to all of our ISCAT community for yet another successful! Every year the event seems to grow and as always the energy within the school was both electric and inspiring all day. A special thank you to all our UNICEF representatives, sponsors and parent...