by Iscat | 17 Mar, 2017 | 2016-2017
The assembly today was all about ‘The international day for elimination of racism’ which is on 21st March. We discussed why everyone is important and why all children have the same rights now matter of their beliefs, nationally, gender or colour. Thank you...
by Iscat | 16 Mar, 2017 | 2016-2017
Year 4 had a fantastic trip visiting the Ruins of Empuries. Although it was a long bus journey, the children were in very good spirits and very positive. When we arrived we were given a tour of the Ancient Greek and Roman city ruins by a Roman man called Caius....
by Iscat | 15 Mar, 2017 | 2016-2017
Today Year 2 had a visit from the Museum of Ideas and Inventions of Barcelona to learn more about this as part of their topic. They learned about lots of cool inventions made by children as young as 7 and even saw the finished product! They then worked in groups to...
by Iscat | 11 Mar, 2017 | 2016-2017
As part of International Women’s Day, Early Years and KS1 learned about a very inspirational woman in assembly: Malala Yousafzai. The children heard about her story and how this prompted her to campaign for equality for girls around the world and their right to...
by Iscat | 10 Mar, 2017 | 2016-2017
Què fan els teus fills aquest estiu? Vols que es diverteixin i a la vegada millorin el seu nivell d’anglès? Aquest any l’escola d’estiu de l’ISCAT se submergirà en el món de Harry Potter. Obert a tots els nens i nenes del poble! Recorda que...
by Iscat | 27 Feb, 2017 | 2016-2017
At ISCAT we have organised an Open House to which not only the families of children currently enrolled at our school are invited, but also families and other parties interested in knowing how our educational system works. This event will involve a...