+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
Carnestoltes 2017

Carnestoltes 2017

Dimarts passat va arribar a l’escola el Rei Carnestoltes i ens va presentar les normes d’aquest any: El dimecres tots i totes vam arribar a l’escola amb el cap decorat, amb un pentinat original o bé amb un barret ben divertit. Dijous, per altra...
Shelter 307

Shelter 307

On Tuesday 14 February Year 9 and 10 History students visited the Refugi 307 in Barcelona. Shelter 307 is one of the bomb shelters that were built during the Spanish Civil War to protect the population from the indiscriminate bombing to which Barcelona was subjected....
ISCAT’s Day of Flight

ISCAT’s Day of Flight

This year for Science Day we have focused on flight. Each class was given a different activity to investigate and experiment with how certain things fly. Nursery and Reception were making paper and straw rockets, Year 1 and 2 were making helicopters,...
Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Dado que el próximo lunes día 30 de enero se celebra el día escolar de la no-violencia y la paz, la asamblea de esta semana la hemos dedicado a conocer la vida y la obra de Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi (que significa Alma Grande) fue un gran líder espiritual y...
Russian food (Year 8)

Russian food (Year 8)

Today, January 19th 2017, in Emotional Education class we ate some Russian food: vlini (crêpes), and korolevskaya vatrushka (a cake). Both were really good. We prepared this because we are learning and sharing our cultures and traditions in order to get to know...
Martin Luther King day 2017

Martin Luther King day 2017

On Friday 13th the children of ISCAT learned about the work and life of Martin Luther King Jr. during assembly, we investigated the feeling of segregation by using eye and hair colour and we discussed how unfair it was to separate or prioritise people based on race....