by Iscat | 6 Nov, 2016 | 2016-2017
Disfressem els moniatos Un any més, tots els nens i nenes de l’escola hem deixat volar la nostra imaginació i hem disfressat moniatos. N’han sortit peces ben curioses: eriçons, Picatxus, ballarines, astronautes, en Harry Potter, castanyeres,… Fins i...
by Iscat | 18 Oct, 2016 | 2016-2017
On Friday 14th October, our Year 10 Drama students had the opportunity to go to the BARTS theatre in Barcelona to see the show ‘Adam and Eve on Broadway.’ The show was performed by 6 actors and 2 musicians and it was spectacular! We were amazed by what is...
by Iscat | 25 Sep, 2016 | 2016-2017
Key Stage 1: Today’s assembly was on the “World’s Largest Lesson”. An introduction to the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The UN encourages young people all over the world to get involved and to spread the word about these 17 goals, which they hope to...
by Iscat | 20 Sep, 2016 | 2016-2017
The 18th of July, Martin and I found out that we were going to take part in the Paralympic Games. We had been training for a very long time to prepare Rio 2016, four years of hard sacrifice and many competitions to get there and finally we made it. Maybe I didn’t have...
by Iscat | 19 Sep, 2016 | 2016-2017
Great news! UNICEF has sent our certificate for our Day for Change 2016 donation! Remember it’s in pound sterling. A massive thank you once again for your generosity. Stay tuned regarding further developments to the project!!!
by Iscat | 16 Sep, 2016 | 2016-2017
It’s official! Grease is the word and the ISCAT Winter Show! Auditions begin on Tuesday…