+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
Winter Show (Peter Pan)

Winter Show (Peter Pan)

Thank you to everyone who came to our Secondary show on Tuesday. We are sure you will agree it was a resounding success! A special thank you to all the parents who worked tirelessly on costumes, hair and make-up, Ed for the set designs and all staff for helping us...
Winter Appeal Fundraiser

Winter Appeal Fundraiser

A massive thank you to everyone who attended our Winter Appeal fundraiser. We are especially proud of the children in our steering group who went to great measure to plan and organise this event with great pride and motivation. A thank you to all our staff who...
Día Universal del Niño

Día Universal del Niño

Hoy en la asamblea hemos hablado de dos fechas muy importantes que se han celebrado esta semana: el Día Universal del Niño y la Niña (20 de noviembre) y Santa Cecilia, patrona de la música (22 de noviembre). El lunes cada grupo realizó diferentes actividades con el...
Anti-bullying Week

Anti-bullying Week

This week was Anti-bullying Week and we had some very interesting discussions in our Emotional Education classes across Primary. We looked at how bullying affects the rights of a child and which rights are not being respected. The children were able to say which...
New Unicef Class Ambassadors

New Unicef Class Ambassadors

This week at ISCAT, the Primary students held class elections to decide who will be their Unicef Class Ambassador. We spoke about the responsibilities class representatives have and last year’s reps also gave some good advice about this. In Key Stage 2, students wrote...
Canvi de Marxa

Canvi de Marxa

Aquest matí els nostres alumnes de Year 10 han anat a veure l’obra de teatre “Canvi de marxa” amb l’objectiu de conscienciar-los sobre les causes i conseqüències dels accidents de trànsit. Volem felicitar a la fundació privada sense ànim de...