+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es

Learning at ISCAT


Learning to learn, learning to be, learning to think

At the International School of Catalunya (ISCAT), the personal growth of each student is at the heart of our educational programme. Our students prepare for the future through academic challenge and stimulation.

We fully believe that when the delicate balance between academic endeavor and emotional wellbeing is achieved, our students are most open to the entire learning experience. At ISCAT, we nurture the spirit of each and every one so that, armed with self-knowledge, a belief in themselves, and a solid academic record, they face the world fully prepared to shoulder responsibilities and give of their best.

No two children are born alike, and so we respect and recognise the different needs, interests and strengths of every student. Our students are encouraged intellectually, socially and emotionally to achieve their full academic and personal potential.


Educational programme


UNICEF Rights Respecting School

ISCAT is proud to have earned UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award.

We are the only school in the European Union to achieve this and we are immensely proud of our entire ISCAT community both past and present for their contributions in helping us along our journey to this point. 



We follow the Forest Schools pedagogy – a Scandinavian initiative from the 1950’s now gaining popularity across Europe and in particular, the United Kingdom, which optimises the use of nature and the outdoors as a teaching and learning resource.



We offer our Secondary students the opportunity to participate in the world renowned Duke of Edinburgh Award programme with our Year 10 students preparing for the Bronze Award each year.

Open enrolment

Get to know in-person our school! We will accompany you personally and answer any questions you may have about the school, our learning spaces and the different educational stages.

ISCAT The International School of Catalunya

Manuel Raspall, 8
08530 - La Garriga
Barcelona · Spain

Telephone: +34 938 414 077
E-Mail: info@iscat.es