Children begin their Primary education in KEY STAGE 1, which is comprised of Year 1 and Year 2, honing in on the building blocks of reading and writing, using the skills of independence and creativity acquired in Early Years to build their knowledge of phonics.
They begin to put sounds together to make words and teachers ensure that each one progresses at his or her own pace by using personal interests and motivation as the springboard for learning to write through writing. Reading one’s own text, reading in small teacher-led groups and excitedly sharing at home our rapidly developing literacy skills, all provide constant motivation and stimulation for our emergent readers and writers.
The foundation skills in Mathematics are built through active learning and problem-solving in a range of authentic contexts, maximising our natural resources outside the classroom, and assimilating the essential concepts in the four basic operations through first-hand experience.
We take our enthusiasm for learning on through KEY STAGE 2 (Year 3 through to Year 6) building on the skills-based learning approach initiated within our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. The imaginative, diverse and creative curriculum we teach is very carefully planned to meet the needs of our children and all topics have links to The Sustainable Development Global Goals as well as the Rights of the Child. Differentiated lessons pinpointing children’s personal learning targets are identified throughout the curriculum; assessment is both formative and summative, allowing teachers to build up a picture of the ‘whole child’.
We encourage children to develop the confidence to investigate and enquire, to solve problems and to take responsibility for their own learning. As a Unicef Rights Respecting School, we aim to enrich their learning experiences, broadening their social horizons and cultural interests. The six ‘School Values’ that underpin school life are understood and respected by the children who do their utmost to adhere to these in all aspects of their daily lives.
What our community says


ISCAT is a small school which means that everyone knows everyone, the students get more individual attention from the teachers and school staff. We are glad that we’ve chosen this school and have never had any doubts about the quality of academics or the educational approach there. For our kids it’s fun, they are happy in school and never want to skip classes.
Open enrolment
Get to know in-person our school! We will accompany you personally and answer any questions you may have about the school, our learning spaces and the different educational stages.

Manuel Raspall, 8
08530 - La Garriga
Barcelona · Spain
Telephone: +34 938 41 40 77